Sequoia T Gillyard

Don't wait for someone to give you permission to be great!

Podcast Host

As the host of the Journey to empowerment, Sequoia gets down to the nitty-gritty and discusses issues that are often swept under the rug in order to minister to the hearts of her listeners.

Published Author

In 2014, Sequoia accomplished a major goal of becoming a published author. With no money and no job, she pushed through and published her book Pillars of Hope.


In 2015, Sequoia launched Rejoicing Hope Magazine as a way to speak to the souls of women who are lost, hurting, and suffering in silence.


Called a chatterbox as a kid, Sequoia had no idea her love for speaking was a gift. Coming into the knowledge of her speaking gift, Sequoia has blossomed into a phenomenal poet and transformational speaker. She reaches down into the soul of her audience.

Supporting aspiring bloggers, authors, and podcasters

Develop social media strategies

Successfully publish your book

Rock out podcasting

Become a blogging guru

About Sequoia T Gillyard

Sequoia’s mission is to help aspiring bloggers, authors, and podcasters show up and confidently tell their stories.

Sequoia’s ultimate goal is to see a world filled with accomplished bloggers, authors, and podcasters.

Check Out Our Possibilities

Success At Your Fingertips



Social Media

Clients will learn how to effectively create and maintain social media platforms to attract and engage their target audience.


Clients will have a podcast set up for them and trained on how to successfully host a podcast.

Self- Publishing

Clients will learn how to self-publish your book inexpensively


Clients will learn how to create and maintain a blog.

Our Portfolio

Some Of Sequoia’s Work




Partnering For Success

Thank You

For Visiting Sequoia

Thank you for visiting Sequoia’s virtual home. We don’t believe that you found her by accident. Sequoia is a social butterfly, who enjoys meeting new people from all backgrounds. It is her prayer that by engaging with her, your life will forever be changed for the better. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Sequoia if any of her gifts and talents would be beneficial to you in any way after all her gifts are not for her, but you!